Love you so much ❤️

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Jamie, if you need outside affirmation of your value, your kindness, your amazing sense of humor, your all-around wonderfulness... then - here you go! It's time you gave credence to what your family and friends see when we look at you. Please love yourself as much as we do you. You Go Girl !(https://www.scheels.com/p/gogirl/09492243296.html?store=&gclid=CjwKCAjwruSHBhAtEiwA_qCpphKt045wFMdSphW9UK26OdsJ-U__FGTGvUBS859Qf2_esOuH_mOLQBoCtiQQAvD_BwE)

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Jamie this is so in line with what I have been going through this past year and a half.

And Al Anon has helped me and continues to help me so I do encourage you to keep at it. Being an adult sucks at many times I am learning and as we get older it doesn't always get easier. And being in Love, or married, does not protect you from that fact. I stand with you here. I would always love to talk anytime. I love your honesty and love and truth. Thank you😘

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Once again, I am in total awe of your talent to put into writing what you’re truly feeling! Joni lucked out when you entered her world and vice a versa! You will always make the right decision —- on your own terms, in your own time. It’s just the way it is. And it’s also just the way it is that i am 4EY#1F

xoxo 😘

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