Jan 10, 2023Liked by Jamie Alyson Feldman

I'm late to this party.... Lol but couldn't be happier I found it. I have no clue how to budget ( well maybe it's more of sticking to the budget) maybe I need to learn how to correctly create a budget. Clearly I need help! I do have a question for you, you talked about going over this new budgeting app your friend told you about, I apologize if you've answered this in another post, is there anyway you could let me know what the program is.. is it free or does it have a monthly fee?

Again I'm so happy I saw the clip on my local news today and looked you up! Good luck with your journey! I'm excited to see and learn from you and your experience!!!!

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Hi Arleigh! Thanks for the note and the follow!! The tool I use is called Tiller - there is a link to try it out on my TikTok (if you click on the linktree link) or you can put this in the search bar: https://www.tillerhq.com/?via=jamie

Happy to answer any questions you have about the tool -- I have made a few videos about it on TikTok but if you have any other qs I'm happy to answer!!

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Thank you so much for the response!!! Truly this is kind of a big deal for me, cause I've never gotten a response to questions or comments I've made on others posts or blogs... So seriously thank you!! I'm going to check that link out as soon as I get these kids settled with a snack & starting homework! Honestly if you have any tips that really helped to get started on a budget I would love to know them! With my husbands recent job change things are definitely tighter then they have ever been! I'm like you, I just hope by ignoring it eventually it'll correct itself, get better or just go away.... I mean that can happen right 🤦🏻‍♀️ of course not but d*mn it's nice to just ignore a problem every so often!!!!! Ok all joking aside I really do plan on reading all your posts. Go and check out your recommendations on people, budgeting tools & ideas and your experiences as you go through it!! In all seriousness if I could really learn this and implement this in our lives it would be the biggest most meaningful gift I could ever give to my husband!!!

Ok now that I've shared way to much and taken way to much of your time... I will say thanks again and have an incredible rest of your day!!! 🌺🏵️💮🌸

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Good for you! Keep going, keep sharing, and keep not spending 👍🏼 Oh, and keep writing too (I'm hanging on every word).

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Thank you so much!!! I will!!

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Jamie Alyson Feldman

You are SO BRAVE for sharing all of this and I know you can stick to it and make a change that you’re going to feel so good about. Xo!

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Thank you so much Meredith! Always love hearing from you & hope all is well <3

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OMG! Once again, I am super-duper-didy proud of you and what you’re going to accomplish! This is an incredible growth journey and one where you will undoubtedly learn a lot about a lot! As always, I’m in your corner and got your back! You rock, girl and you got this!!

I am,

FY#1F ♥️



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